Thursday, January 14, 2010

Truth Force of Paradise: First There was the Word

Posted by: Artemis Kampner

Long before us, in fact so early before us there is no date. The word was born from a cosmic combination of orbits, space and light. It was a word of no language and impossible a force indefinable. It was a round and complete vibration. First there was the word AUM and it began and ended without seams. It ebbed and crashed as waves of vibration throughout the entire universe and beyond.

The story of life on Mother Earth begins when AUM danced the sun over to Earth on the universal dance floor. The bright star had met a match that he could not detach from. He began to warm the new illuminated water on the dormant and fertile Earth. AUM had gathered the moon to also meet the union. The softly illuminated moon began to pull water up towards the heavens in harmony with AUM. At that moment life began on our beautiful planet.

AUM filled every vessel that grew up toward the nourishing glow of the sun. AUM called the sap toward the sky beat the hearts of the animated and inspired the vessels to breath. Thus all of the life vibrations are designed in harmony with the first and ultimately singular word AUM. It is our nature to be in harmony with AUM.

This story is the first truth that we know without speakable words. It is when we make words outside of AUM that we forget it’s simple nature. The simple nature of vibration moves our anatomical and subanatomical bodies made of light. Layering of our communal breaths, steps, beats, beings, moods and deeds result in a symphony of AUM. Since energy cannot be created or destroyed, only displaced, even our spirits will remain with AUM.

Genesis Truth 1: First there was a vibrational AUM. The divine symphony sometimes called God. We are continually conceived and created as this truth. AUM cannot be contained, it reflects above to below and vice versa. AUM makes syncopation between the earth, sun, moon, stars, electrons, particles and elements. We are given our body as instruments to play in symphony with AUM. There is only AUM.

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